Day 4
Head on over to Sassy Studio Designs to leave your guesses.
Mark your calender for the Release/Hop on Saturday. We will also be having a Live Chat Saturday evening 6-8 PM PST. There may be something special if you join in (just saying). Here are some particulars about everything.
Time Zone Converter site: (to find when the Chat is where you're at)
Party Chat Link:
Chat: 6:00 PST to 8:00 PST
Chat: 6:00 PST to 8:00 PST
Commenter's Prize:
Daily Teaser Image: Awarded to commenter on the SSD Blog who guesses correctly.
DT Member: The Image each DT member used in their creation will be given away to one of their commenters on their blog.
Complete Release: One Winner who commented on all the blog stops.
DT Member: The Image each DT member used in their creation will be given away to one of their commenters on their blog.
Complete Release: One Winner who commented on all the blog stops.

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